Nov 18, 2008

My happiness is because of you......

You are the one .....

who warms my soul,

who lifts up my spirits,

who softens my mind,

who soothes my heart,

who brightens my days,

who dances in my dreams,

who lingers in my thoughts,

who makes me smile and smile,

who accepts and treats me as I am.......,

who guides me in the dark,

who hears my deep feelings,

who holds me wid gentle hands,

who fills joys throughout my life,

who walks with me even in hurdles,

who makes my life so precious and cherishable,

who wins my heart, my breath, my love and my soul....!!!!!!!!


Tarun Goel said...

Whom are you talking about??
Is it CHERRY?? :P :P

Madhuri Kunisetty said...

it's an open secret..wat do u think of urself??haan?

Tarun Goel said...

I am GOD, reverse is also true :P

Madhuri Kunisetty said...

btw,u knw its my first poem. :) :P