Oct 25, 2008

kuch tho hua hain!!

When I heard that somebody take more time to sleep after lying on the bed, I laughed at them and thought them as fools as those guys might be over worried about the next day or may be their brains are accessing the issues that are running through out the day. I had this opinion because I never faced this kind of situation and rather I will have a nap when I get short span of time.

Something is happening!!
But for last few days, things have become different. I have been spending sleepless nights and I am missing my
beauty sleep. My beauty sleep is like: Going to bed at late night, in a rested and perfectly happy mood, sleeping all through the night, warm bed sheet, cool temperature, my pillows just fluffy enough and waking up when my cell alarms. Instead of this, yesterday when I was lying on my bed, I did not feel like sleeping at 12'o clock. So, I went, I took my laptop, I watched a movie which I in fact had seen it for more than 100 times. I tried hard to sleep and as again I failed, I thought I would have tried to think of some work that makes me tired and drives me to sleep. Anyways, I tried that later and I got more things to do. Then I opened my beautiful bag :) for nano Ipod, I connected it to laptop. Actually, I was unable to fetch time for synchronizing it, so finally I succeeded in doing that.

After doing all these stupid things, the time was 2.30 A.M. So, again I tried badly to sleep, that was a poor try, I failed again :P. Then I got up seriously, I mixed two colors of nail polish and applied to my fingers. Thank god, nobody noticed it, it was looking weird. I was hungry, ate horlicks
. I have gone mad, that time balance in my mobile was Rs. 0.08, otherwise I would have disturbed some innocent fellows. Still I had an option to disturb my boyfriend as I had reliance. I am grateful to Reliance. I already disturbed him many times and I allowed him to sleep as he was extremely exhausted. But this time the devil rose and the level of madness was burst and it compelled me to disturb my love. So, I called him. He is the sweetest hunk, as he understood my problem, he talked to me for sometime and finally he made me to sleep. I guess I slept at around 4.00 A.M.

The reason behind my unusual insomniac nights is
"SOMETHING". That something could be both sadness and happiness. Sadness is because of leaving STC (STC sickness :P) and happiness is because of going to Bangalore. I think I would have done something good in past because whenever I wish a thing, that will happen somehow. Thing is if I really want something, I will get it. :) :P. I madly wished to go to Bangalore, I got posting over there and I will be going there in couple of days. I am fortunate enough to turn up the things into my favor, will and wish. ATTITUDE RELOADED!!!!


Tarun Goel said...

So it is SOMETHING that is troubling you :P
I would like to give you one advise, do not use this font, because it took me some 15 minutes to read all this because of this stupid font.
Rest is Good

Madhuri Kunisetty said...

:) :) thnx for ur suggestion!!wat else cud be the reason??

Fighter said...


Interesting piece of writing, u write naturally.

So wat's confusing u so much?

In btw, this is Raghu, jus wandered off into your blog, rather fortunately I guess..;)

Hav fun,


Madhuri Kunisetty said...

Hi raghu,
Thnx 4 d comment!!btw, do u knw me??i juz went thru ur profile, but u knw I m realy poor at recalling ppl..so cud u help me out??

TKS said...

Hehe.. was laughing while reading this. You were writing about something that I am facing at this very moment. Its 1.25 am and i can't sleep and I am browsing through blogs of people i dont even know.

TKS said...

Just noticed something. Blogger seems to be showing a differant time. Its 1:28 am jan 2nd IST right now :P