Nov 19, 2008

What do I write??

Being absolutely jobless and vetty, especially when I am alone, sometimes and that too for too longtime.....It really SUCKS!! At least if I had company (the right one, of course! :P), I probably would not realise...This drives me crazy...I have tried each and everything to kill time and now I am badly running out of things to do!! I wanted to ramble on, as usual, about some random crap, again to kill time and I could not even figure out a topic, to write about...Life on bench is getting so monotonous and boring......

May be I should get some books to read and enlighten myself which I never attempted
this kind of stuff before....!! May be I have to involve in self-learning about WPF(so called project..I got here!!)....!! or May be I do discover some proxies to open ORKUT or INDYAROCKS to surf over .....

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

In it something is. I thank for the information, now I will know.