Aug 30, 2008

Days in Corporate world...

just 3 months back…, I was a student doing my last sem of B.E….
getting up at 11:30 AM…
always passing my time with all friends!!
gussing classes like anything….
chitchatting with people in my block….
Spending maximum time at mess!!
playing many games….
always in casuals...
24/7 available in GTALK
busy in “NOTHING” mind it…”JUST NOTHING”
apart from that………,
now I cannot imagine myself as a person working in a Software Company,
waking up early at 8:15AM!! :( :( :(
staying in company from 9:00 AM to 6:30 PM…“ATTENDANCE IS MANDATORY”
pretty busy with my schedule!!
Coding …, programming…!! :waa :waa
No time to spend wid all my friends…
Eagerly waiting for Sundays(Even Saturday is working day smtimes)
No time 2 check my mails at all!!
"in a position----Cannot break the rules!!! :( :( :( "
Must be in "FORMAL ATTIRE"
Completely tuned my mind into “MECHANICAL”…. Just have to pop all my EmOTions!!

Hmmm!! Moreover I have been taught to categorize the things into “Important and URGENT” which hasn’t given any place to some -------- works like….”spending time …, Sharing my thoughtz with friends!! and listening to music!! in 24 hrs of my day!! “
hhahaha….proud of my professional life!!
Seriously missing all those dayz!!! Real Hell……!! haha